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русскоязычные издания

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англоязычные издания

Автор базы данных др. Дж. Сепкоски, 1995



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200  RIGBY, J.K. and T.L.P.  BRYANT.  1979.  Fossil sponges of the Mississippian Fort Payne Chert in northeastern Alabama.  J. Paleontology 53:1005-1012.


201  RIGBY, J.K.  1980.  Ichnospongia perplexa, a new sponge from the Mississippian Chainman Shale near Eureka, Nevada.  J. Paleontology 54:1278-1281.


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205  RIGBY, J.K. and C.W. STEARNS.  1983.  Sponges and Spongiomorphs.  Notes for a Short Course.  Univ. Tennessee Dept. Geol. Sci. Studies Geol 7.  220 pp.


206  RIGBY, J.K. and J.K. GILLAND.  1977.  A new fossil sponge from the Ordovician Garden City Limestone of southeastern Idaho.  Great Basin Naturalist.  37:475-480.


207  PICKETT, J. and J.K. RIGBY.  1983.  Sponges from the Early Devonian Garra Formation, New South Wales.  J. Paleontology 57:720-741.


208  RIGBY, J.K.  1973.  Permian sponges from northwestern British Columbia.  Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 10:1600-1606.


209  RIGBY, J.K. and T.N. BAYER.  1971.  Sponges of the Ordovician Maquoketa Formation in Minnesota and Iowa.  J. Paleontology 45:608-627.


210  RIGBY, J.K. and T.C. CHIDSEY, JR.  1976.  A well-preserved Calycocoelia typicalis Bassler (Porifera) from the Ordovician Fort Pena Formation of western Texas.  Brigham Young Univ. Geol. Studies 23(3):3-8.


211  RIGBY, J.K.  1977.  A new chiastoclonellid sponge from the Devonian of Michigan.  J. Paleontology 51:1215-1219.


212  RIGBY, J.K. and O.A. DIXON.  1979.  Sponge fauna of the Upper Silurian Read Bay Formation, Somerset Island, District of Franklin, Arctic Canada.  J. Paleontology 53:587-627.


213  RIGBY, J.K. and F.M. TERRELL.  1973.  Permian sponges from western Ellesmere Island, Arctic Canada.  Canadian Journal Earth Sciences 10:1431-1443.


214  RIGBY, J.K.  1970.  Ellesmerespongia feildeni, a new Permian sponge from the Canadian Arctic.  J. Paleontology 44:1143-1145.


215  RIGBY, J.K.  1977.  A new Middle Ordovician sponge from western Newfoundland.  Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 14:2662-2668.


216  RIGBY, J.K. and A.C. LENZ.  1977.  A new Silurian astylospongid sponge from Baillie-Hamilton Island, Canadian Arctic Archipelago.  Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 15:157-162.


217  FINKS, R.M.  1971.  A new Permian eutaxicladine demosponge, mosaic evolution, and the origin of the Dicranocladina.  J. Paleontology 45:977-997.


218  HARTMAN, W.D., J.W. WENDT and F. WIEDENMAYER.  1980.  Fossil and Living Sponges.  Sedimenta VIII.  University of Miami, Miami, Florida.  274 pp.


219  RIGBY, J.K.  1976.  Some observations on occurrences of Cambrian Porifera in western North America and their evolution.  Brigham Young Univ. Geol. Studioes 23(2):51-60.


220  RIGBY, J.K., D. SCHUMACHER and S.J. MEADER.  1979.  The genus Ensiferites, a Devonian astraeosponge of North America.  J. Paleontology 53:475-493.


221  RIGBY, J.K.  1976.  A new Devonian heteractinid sponge from southwestern Ellesmere Island, Arctic Canada.  Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 13:120-125.


222  RIGBY, J.K.  1978.  Porifera of the Middle Cambrian Wheeler Shale, from the Wheeler Amphitheater, House Range, in western Utah.  J. Paleontology 52:1325-1345.


223  RIGBY, J.K. and R.W. SCOTT.  1981.  Sponges from the Lower Cretaceous Mural Limestone in Arizona and northern Mexico.  J. Paleontology 55:552-562.


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225  RIGBY, J.K.  1983.  Sponges of the Middle Cambrian Marjum Limestone from the House Range and Drum Mountains of western Millard County, Utah.  J. Paleontology 57:240-270.


226  RIGBY, J.K. and R.B. BLODGETT.  1983.  Early Middle Devonian sponges from the McGrath Quadrangle of west-central Alaska.  J. Paleontology 57:773-786.


227  FINKS, R.M.  1970.  The evolution and ecologic history of sponge during Palaeozoic times.  Symp.  zool.  Soc. Lond.  25:3-22.


228  RIGBY, J.K. and T.C. GOSNEY.  1983.  First reported Triassic lyssakid sponges from North America.  J. Paleontology 57:787-796.


229  RIGBY, J.K., R.D. HORROCKS and J.M. CYS.  1982.  A new hexactinellid brachiosponge from the Upper Permian of West Texas.  J. Paleontology 56:315-323.


230  RIGBY, K.J.  1974.  Vaurealspongia and Twenhofelella, two new brachiospongid hexactinellid sponges from the Ordovician and Silurian of Anticosti Island, Quebec.  Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 11:1343-1349.


231  RIGBY, J.K. and D.R. HARRIS.  1979.  A new Silurian sponge fauna from northern British Columbia, Canada.  J. Paleontology 53:968-980.


232  RIGBY, J.K. and M.A. MURPHY.  1983.  Gabelia, a new Late Devonian lyssakid protosponge from the Roberts Mountains, Nevada.  J. Paleontology 57:797-803.


233  RIGBY, J.K., J.E. KING and L.F. GUNTHER.  1981.  The new Lower Ordovician protosponge, Asthenospongia, from the Phi Kappa Formation in central Idaho.  J. Paleontology 55:842-847.


234  RIGBY, J.K. and W.I. AUSICH.  1981.  Lower Mississippian sponges from the Edwardsville Formation, southern Indiana.  J. Paleontology 55:370-382.


235  RIGBY, J.K. Patterns in Devonian sponge distribution.  In: The Devonian System.  Spec. Pap. in Palaeontology 23: 225-228.


236  RIGBY, J.K. and A.T. WASHBURN.  1972.  A new hexactinellid sponge from the Mississippian-Pennsylvanian Diamond Peak Formation in eastern Nevada.  J. Paleontology 46:266-270.


237  RIGBY, J.K. and R.C. GUTSCHICK.  1976.  Two new lower Paleozoic hexactinellid sponges from Utah and Oklahoma.  J. Paleontology 50:79-85.


238  STEARN, C.W.  1983.  Stromatoporoids from the Blue Fjord Formation (Lower Devonian) of Ellesmere Island, Arctic Canada.  J. Paleontology 57:539-559.


239  GUENSBURG, T.E.  1984.  Echinodermata of the Middle Ordovician Lebanon Limestone, central Tennessee.  Bull. Amer. Paleont.  86:5-100.


240  KELLEY, S.M., T.J. FREST and H.L. STRIMPLE.  1978.  Additional information of Simplococrinus persculptus.  J. Paleontology 52:1227-1232.


241  FREST, T.J. and H.L. STRIMPLE.  1981.  New camarate crinoids from the Silurian of North America.  J. Paleontology 55:639-655.


242  McINTOSH, G.C.  1981.  Apurocrinus sucrei, a new genus and species of camerate crinoid from the Lower Devonian.  J. Paleontology 55:948-952.


243  FREST, T.J. and H.L. STRIMPLE.  1977.  Hirneacrinidae (new), simple Silurian camerate crinoids from the North American continental interior.  J. Paleontology 51:1181-1200.


244  LANE, N.G.  1979.  Upper Permian crinoids from Djebel Tebaga, Tunisia.  J. Paleontology 53:121-132.


245  STRIMPLE, H.L. and C. CONEY.  1978.  Paratalarocrinus, a new camarate genus from the upper Mississippian of Virginia.  J. Paleontology 52:484-511.


246  BROADHEAD, T.W. and H.L. STRIMPLE.  1980.  Hyrtanecrinus, a new Carboniferous camarate crinoid genus from eastern North America.  J. Paleontology 54:35-44.


247  WILLINK, R.J.  1980.  A new coil-stemmed camarate crinoid from the Permian of eastern Australia.  J. Paleontology 54:15-34.


248  KOLATA, D.R.  1975.  Middle Ordovician echinoderms from northern Illinois and southern Wisconsin.  J. Paleontology 49  (suppl. to No. 3).  74 pp.


249  FREST, T.J. and H.L. STRIMPLE.  1977.  Three new camarates (Echinodermata: Crinoidea) from the Silurian of Oklahoma and Tennessee.  J. Paleontology 51:272-281.


250  AUSICH, W.I.  1984.  Calceocrinids from the Early Silurian (Llandoverian) Brassfield Formation of southwestern Ohio.  J. Paleontology 58:1167-1185.


251  FREST, T.J., H.L. STRIMPLE and M.R. McGINNIS.  1979.  Two new crinoids from the Ordovician of Virginia and Oklahoma, with notes on pinnulation in the Disparida.  J. Paleontology 53:399-415.


252  BRETT, C.E.  1980.  Paracolocrinus, a new inadunate crinoid genus from Rochester Shale (Silurian, Wenlockian) of New York.  J. Paleontology 54:913-922.


253  KELLY, S.M. and W.I. AUSICH.  1978.  A new Lower Ordovician (middle Canadian) disparid crinoid from Utah.  J. Paleontology 52:916-920.


254  McINTOSH, G.C.  1984.  Devonian cladid inadunate crinoids: Family Botryocrinidae Bather, 1899.  J. Paleontology 58:1260-1281.


255  FREST, T.J. and H.L. STRIMPLE.  1982.  New Manicrinidae (Crinoidea, Inadunata, Dendroainina) from the Silurian of Illinois and Indiana.  J. Paleontology 56:720-728.


256  McINTOSH, G.C.  1983.  Nuxocrinus and Pyrenocrinus, two new Devonian cladid inadunate crinoid genera.  J. Paleontology 57:495-513.


257  WEBSTER, G.D.  1981.  New crinoids from the Naco Formation (middle Pennsylvanian) of Arizona and a revision of the family Cromyocrinidae.  J. Paleontology 57:495-513.


258  LEWIS, R.D.  1981.  Archaetaxocrinus, new genus, the earliest known flexible crinoid (Whiterockian) and its phylogenetic implications.  J. Paleontology 55:227-238.


259  McINTOSH, G.C.  1981.  Tagenocrinus and Lecocrinus, two new flexible crinoid genera from the Silurian and Devonian of North America.  J. Paleontology 55:1103-1108.


260  STRIMPLE, H.L. and C. PAREYN.  1982.  Cibolocrinus from the Namurian of North Africa with notes on the genus.  J. Paleontology 56:226-232.


261  FREST, T.J. and H.L. STRIMPLE.  1978.  The flexible crinoid genus Anisocrinus (Ordovician-Silurian) in North America.  J. Paleontology 52:683-696. 


262  RIGBY, J.K., C.K. CHAMBERLIAN and B.A. BLACK.  1970.  Mississippian and Pennsylvanian sponges from the Ouachita Mountains of Oklahoma.  J. Paleontology 44:816-832.


263  RIGBY, J.K.  1970.  Two new Upper Devonian hexactinellid sponges from Alberta.  J. Paleontology 44:7-16.


264  KLING, S.A. and W.-E. REIF.  1969.  The Paleozoic history of amphidisc and hemidisc sponges: new evidence from the Carboniferous of Uraguay.  J. Paleontology 43:1429-1434.


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268  ROZANOV, A. Yu., V.V. MISSARZHEVSKY, N.A.VOLKOVA, L.G. VORONOVA, I.N. KRYLOV, B.M. KELLER, I.K. KOROLYUT, K. LENDZION, P. MIKHNIAK, N.G. PYKHOVA, and A.D. SIDOROV.  1969.  Tommotsky yarus i problema nizhney granitsy Kembria.  Trans. Geol. Inst. Acad.  Sci. USSR 206:5-380.


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277  DEBROCK, M.D., R.D. HOARE and R.H. MAPES.  1984.  Pennsylvanian (Desmoinesian) Polyplacophora (Mollusca) from Texas.  J. Paleontology 58:1117-1135.


278  HOARE, R.D. and A.G. SMITH.  1984.  Permian Polyplacophora (Mollusca) from West Texas.  J. Paleontology 58:82-103.


279  POJETA, J., JR. and B. RUNNEGAR.  1976.  The paleontology of rostroconch mollusks and the early history of the phylum Mollusca.  U.S. Geol. Surv.  Prof.  Pap. 968, 88 pp.


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316  KLAPPER, G. and S.M. BERSTROM.  1984.  The enigmatic Middle Ordovician fossil Archeognathus and its relations to conodonts and vertebrates.  J. Paleontology 58:949-976.


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355  SCHRAM, F.R.  1978.  Jerometichenoria grandis new genus, new species (Crustacea: Mysidacea) from the Lower Permian of the Soviet Union.  J. Paleontology 52:605-607.


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411  GRANT, R.E.  1970.  Brachiopods from Permian-Triassic Boundary beds and age of Chhidru Formation, West Pakistan.  Pp. 117-151.  In: B. Kummel and C. Teichert, eds.  Stratigraphic Boundary Problems: Permian and Triassic of West Pakistan.  Univ. Kansas Press, Lawrence, Kansas.


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414  GRANT, R.E.  1965.  Faunas and stratigraphy of the Snowy Range Formation (Upper Cambrian) in southwestern Montana and northeastern Wyoming.  Geol. Soc. Am. Mem. 96.  171 pp.


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437  WATERHOUSE, J.B., J.D. CAMPBELL and J.G. WILLIAMS.  1983.  Early Permian brachiopods and molluscs from Gondor Formation, Eglinton Valley, Southland.  New Zealand J. Geol. Geophys.  26:301-308.


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569  HENDERSON, R.A. and D.I. MacKINNON.  1981.  New Cambrian inarticulate Brachiopoda from Austalasia and the age of the Tasman Formation.  Alcheringa 5:289-309.


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571  ROSS, J.R.P.  1978.  Biogeography of Permian ectoproct Bryozoa.  Palaeontology 21:341-356.


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574  HOLLOWAY, D.J.  1981.  Silurian dalmanitacean trilobites from North America and the origins of the Dalmanitinae and Synphoriinae.  Palaeontology 24:695-731.


575  DZIK, J.  1981.  Evolutionary relationships of the early Palaeozoic `cyclostomatousá Bryozoa.  Palaeontology 24:827-861.


576  KLIKUSHIN, V.G.  1982.  Taxonomic survey of fossil isocrinids with a list of the species found in the USSR.  Geobios 15:299-325.


577  KIER, P.M. and M.H. LAWSON.  1978.  Index of living and fossil echinoids 1924-1970.  Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology 34.  182 pp.


578  KIER, P.M.  1984.  Echinoids from the Triassic (St.  Cassian) of Italy, their lantern supports, and a revised phylogeny of Triassic echinoids.  Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology 56.  41 pp.


579  LIPPS, J. pers.  comm.  Feb.  1986.


580  BENGTSON, S. personal data base, communicated March 1988.


581  WALTER, B.  1969.  Les bryozoaires jurassiques en France.  Systematique, rapports avec la stratigraphique et la paleoecologie.  Doc. Lab. Geol. Fac. Sci. Lyon 35.  328 pp.


582  HILLMER, G.  1971.  Bryozoen (Cyclostomata) aus dem Unter-Hauterive von Nordwestdeutshcland.  Mitt. geol.-palaont. Inst. Univ. Hamburg 40:5-106.


583  VOIGT, E.  1953.  Revision von: H.  Hamm "Die Bryozoen des Maastricher Obersenon" (1881).  Mitt. Geol. Staatsinst.  Hamburg 22:32-75.


584  VOIGT, E.  1982.  Aggregopora schmidi n.g.  n. sp.  (Bryoz.  Cyclostomata) aus der Obermasstrichtium-Schreibkreide von Hemmoor (Niedersachsen) und einige andere verwandte Formen.  Geol. Jb. A61:225-257.


585  VOIGT, E.  1985.  Bryozoaires du Cretace superieur trouves dans les residus du remplissage d'une fente kastrique dans les Gorges du Nant (Vercors).  Geobios 18:621-642.


586  VOIGT, E.  1957.  Bryozoen aus dem Kreidetuff von St. Symphorien bei Ciply (Obermaastr.).  Inst. r. Sci. nat. belg. 33(43):1-48.


587  LAGAAIJ, R.  1975.  Crisia and Crisidia (Bryozoa Cyclostomata) from the later Maastricht.  Pp. 583-594.  In: S. Pouyet, ed.  Bryozoa 1974.  Doc. Lab. Geol. Fac. Lyon-H.S. 3.


588  VOIGT, E.  1972.  Sur quelques de Bryozoaires cyclostomes cretace decrites par A. d'Orbigny.  Ann.  Paleont.  Invertebres 58:203-220.


589  BROOD, K.  1972.  Cyclostomatous Bryozoa from the Upper Cretaceous and Danian in Scandanavia.  Stockholm Contrib.  Geol. 26:1-464.


590  WALTER, B.  1972.  Les bryozoaires Neocomiens du Jura Suisse et Francais.  Geobios 5:277-357.


591  VOIGT, E.  1975.  Bryozoen aus dem Campan von Misburg bei Hannover.  Ber.  Naturhist.  Ges.  Hannover 119:235-278.


592  MASSE, J.-P. and B. WALTER.  1974.  Les bryozoaires du Cretace Inferieur Provencal.  Biostratigraphie et Paleoecologie 7:183-210.


593  WALTER, B. and Y.  ALMERAS.  1981.  Bryozoaires et brachiopods des "Calcaires Bajocien a Bryozoaires" des Causses (France) et leur paleoecologie.  Geobios 14:361-387.


594  BROOD, K.  1978.


595  FLOR, F.  1975.  Discotruncatulipora corbis n.g.  n. sp.  (Bryoz.  Cycl.) aus der Oberen Kreide.  Mitt. geol.-palaont. Inst. Univ. Hamburg 44:99-110.


596  WALTER, B., A. ARNAUD-VANNEAU, H.  ARNAUD, R. BUSNARDO and S. FERRY.  1975.  Les Bryozoaires Barremo-Aptiens du sud-est de la France.  Gisements et paleoecologie, biostratigraphie.  Geobios 8:83-117.


597  WALTER, B. and R. BUSNARDO.  1971.  Un gisement Aptien de bryozoaires dans Les Alps Francaises (Vercors, Isere).  Geobios 4:87-99.


598  VOIGT, E.  1978.  Pachyteichopora n.g.  (Bryoz.  Cyclostomata) aus der oberen Kreide.  Palaont. Z. 52(3/4):257-270.


599  HILLMER, G.  1957.


600  MARYANSKA, T.  1969.  Bryozoa from the uppermost Maastrichtian and Palaeocene deposits of the middle Vistula Gorge near Pulawy.  Prace.  Muzeum Ziemi 14:85-130.


601  BERTHELSEN, O.  1962.  Cheilostome Bryozoa in the Danian deposits of east Denmark.  Danm.  Geol. Unders., Raekke 2, 83.  290 pp.


602  LAGAAIJ, R.  1968.  First fossil finds of six genera of Bryozoa Cheilostomata.  Atti.  Soc. It.  Sc.  Nat.  e Museo Civ.  St. Nat.  Milano 108:345-360.


603  VOIGT, E. and G. HILLMER.  1983.  Oberkretazische Hippothidae (Bryozoa Cheilostomata) aus dem Campanium von Schweden und dem Maastrichtium der Niederlande.  Mitt. Geol.-Palaont. Inst. Univ. Hamburg 54:169-208.


604  VOIGT, E.  1969.  Revision der von F.V. Hagenow 1839-1850  aus der Schreibkreide von Rugen veroffentlichten Bryozoan.  Geologie Beih.  25:1-80.


605  VOIGT, E.  1971.  Lethaia.


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607  VOIGT, E.  1964.  A bryozoan fauna of Dano-Montian age from Boryszew and Sochaczew in central Poland.  Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 9:419-480.


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610  VOIGT, E.  1968.  On the Cretaceous age of the so-called Jurassic Cheilostome Polozoa (Bryozoa).  A contribution to the knowledge of the Polozoa-fauna of the Maastrichtian in the Contentin (Manche).  Bull. Brit.  Mus.  (Nat. Hist.) Geol. 17:1-45.


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665  WATERHOUSE, J.B.  1982.  Permian Pectinacea and Limacea (Bivalvia) from New Zealand.  N.Z.  Geological Survey Palaeont. Bull. 49.  75 pp.


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698  BRIMAUD, C. and D. VACHARD.  1986.  Les spongiares siliceux du Tortonien des Betique (Miocene de l'Espagne du Sud): especes nouvelles ou peu connues I.  Choristides et Lithistides.  Bulletin Mus.  natn.  Hist.  nat., Paris, 4  ser., 8: 293-341.


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704  WEBSTER, G.D. and N.G. LANE.  1987.  Crinoids from the Anchor Limestone (lower Mississippian) of the Monte Cristo Group, southern Nevada.  University of Kansas Paleontolica Contribution 119.  56 pp.


705  ADEGOKE, O.S.  1977.  Stratigraphy and paleontology of the Ewekoro Formation (Paleocene) of southwestern Nigeria.  Bulletins of American Paleontology 71(295).  379 pp.


706  PARSLEY, R.L., and L.W. MINTZ.  1975.  North American Paracrinoidea: (Ordovician: Paracrinozoa, new, Echinodermata).  Bulletins of American Paleontology 68(288).  115 pp.


707  BLOME, C.D.  1984.  Upper Triassic Radiolaria and radiolarian zonation from western North America.  Bulletins of American Paleontology 85(318).  88 pp.


708  COOPER, G.A. and J.T. DUTRO, JR.  1982.  Devonian brachiopods of New Mexico.  Bulletins of American Paleontology 82(315).  215 pp.


709  CUTRESS, B.M.  1980.  Cretaceous and Tertiary Cidaroida (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) of the Caribbean area.  Bulletins of American Paleontology 77(309).  221 pp.


710  POHOWSKY, R.A.  1978.  The boring ctenostomate Bryozoa: taxonomy and paleobiology based on cavities in calcareous substrata.  Bulletins of American Paleontology 73(301).  192 pp.


711  LAUB, R.S.  1979.  The corals of the Brassfield Formation (mid-Llandovery, Lower Silurian) in the Cincinnati Arch region.  Bulletins of American Paleontology 75(305).  457 pp.


712  WATERHOUSE, B.J.  1987.  Late Paleozoic Brachiopoda (Athyrida, Spiriferida and Terebratulida) from the southeast Bowen Basin, East Australia.  Palaeontographica 196:1-56.


713  UBAGHS, G.  1987.  Echinodermes nouveaux du Cambrien moyen de la Montagne Noire (France).  Annales de Paleonlogie 73:1-27.


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715  HALLAM, A.  1987.  Radiations and extinctions in relation to environmental change in the marine Lower Jurassic of north‑west Europe.  Paleobiology 13:152-168.


716  KENNEDY, W.J., C.W. WRIGHT and J.M. HANCOCK.  1987.  Basal Turonian ammonites from West Texas.  Palaeontology 30:27-74.


717  PATTERSON, R.T. and R.H. RICHARDSON.  1987.  A taxonomic revision of the unilocular Foraminifera.  Journal of Foraminiferal Research 17:212-226.


718  MULLER, A.H.  1985.  Lehrbuch der Palaozoologie.  Bd.  III.  Vertebraten.  Teil 1.  Fische im weiteren Sinne und Amphibien.  Ve, Gustav Fischer Verlag.  Jena.  655 pp.


719  KONEVA, S.P.  1987.  A new family of Cambrian inarticulate brachiopods.  Paleont. Jour. 20:28-35.


720  POPOV, L.E. and T.B. RUKAVVISHNIKOVA.  1987.  A new family of gigantic inarticulate brachiopods from the Upper Ordovician of southern Kazakhstan.  Paleont. Jour. 20:36-40.


721  JAGO, J.B.  1987.  Idamean (Late Cambrian) trilobites from the Denison Range, south-west Tasmania.  Palaeontology 30:207-231.


722  MITCHELL, C.E.  1987.  Evolution and phylogenetic classification of the Diplograptacea.  Palaeontology 30:353-405.


723  WARD, D.J. and D. THIERS.  1987.  Hexanchid shark teeth (Neoselachii, Vertebrata) from the Lower Cretaceous of Germany and England.  Mesozoic Research 1:89-106.


724  SCHRAM, F.R., J. SIEG and E. MALZAHN.  1986.  Fossil Tanaidacea.  Trans. San Diego Society of Natural History 21:127-144.


725  BRASIER, M.D. and P. SINGH.  1987.  Microfossils and Precambrian-Cambrian Boundary stratigraphy at Maldeota, Lesser Himalaya.  Geological Magazine 124:323-345.


726  FORTEY, R.A. and R.M. OWENS.  1987.  The Arenig Series in South Wales: stratigraphy and palaeontology I.  The Arenig Series in South Wales.  Bull. Br. Mus. (Nat. Hist.), Geol. 41:71-307.


727  POPENOE, W.R. and L.R. SAUL.  1987.  Evolution and classification of the Late Cretaceous-Early Tertiary gastropod Perissitys.  Contr. Sci. Los Angeles Co.  Mus.  Nat. Hist.  380:37.


728  HOSKINS, R.H., ed.  1982.  Stages of the New Zealand marine Cenozoic: a synopsis.  New Zealand Geol. Surv.  Rept.  N.Z.G.S. 107.  73 pp.


729  BUGROVA, E.M.  1986.  Paleogene infusorids (composition, distribution, and facies dependence).  Paleont. Jour. 20: 1-11.


731  MALINKY, J.M.  1987.  Taxonomic revision of lower and middle Paleozoic Orthothecida (Hyolitha) from North America and China.  J. Paleontology 61:942-959.


732  GLENISTER, B.F. and W.M. FURNISH.  1987.  New Permian representatives of ammonoid superfamilies Marathonitaceae and Cyclolobaceae.  J. Paleontology 61:982-998.


733  HACOBJAN, V.T.  1972.  Systematics of Late Cretaceous trochactaeonids (Gastropoda).  Paleont. Jour. 6:1-12.


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786  SARENAER, P.  1988.  A second North American representative of the middle Frasnian rhynchonellid genus Caryorhynchus Crickmay, C.H., 1952.  J. Paleontology 64:539-546.


787  ERWIN, D.H.  1988.  Gastropoda of the southwestern United States: Cerithiacea, Acteonacea, and Pyramidellacea.  J. Paleontology 62:566-575.


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789  DHONDT, A.V. and I.  DIENI.  1988.  Early Cretaceous bivalves of eastern Sardinia.  Mem. di Scienze Geologiche, Padova, 40:1-97.


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794  KOLLMAN, H.A. and J.S. PEEL.  1983.  Paleocene gastropods from Nugssunaq, West Greenland.  Gronlands Geologiske Undersogelse Bull. 146, 115 pp.


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799  RICHARDS, R.B.  1988.  Anachronistic, heraldic, and echoic evolution: new patterns revealed by extinct planktonic hemichordates.  Pp. 211-230.  In: G.P.  Larwood, ed.  Extinction and Survival in the Fossil Record.  Systematics Association Special Volume No. 34.  Clarendon Press, Oxford.


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824  GEYER, O.F.  1953.  Die Fauna oolithischen Trummerkalke des oberes Malm in Wurttemberg und ihre Beziechungen zur korallogenen Fazies des Tithon.  N. Jb. Geol. Palaont. Mh.  1953:130-140.


825  TURNSEK, D., H.  SEYFRIED and O.F. GEYER.  1975.  Gologische und palaontologische Untersuchungen an einem Korallen-vorkommen m subbetischen Unterjura von Murcia (sud-Spanien).  Dissertationes 18/5.  Slovenska Akad.  Znanosti in Umetnosti Academia scientiarum et artium Solvenica.


826  BEAUVAIS, L.  1974.  Quelques exemples pris dans le Malm montrant le role des Madreporaires dans la theorie de la mobilite continentale.  Bull. Soc. geol.  France 7(16), no. 4.  455 pp.


827  BEAUVAIS, L.  1972.  Deux nouveaux genre de Madreporaires triasiques.  Bull. Soc. geol.  France, 7e ser., 15:310-314.


828  BEAUVAIS, L.  1984.  Evolution and diversification of Jurassic Scleractinia.  Pp. 219-224.  In: W.A. Oliver et al., eds.  Recent Advances in the Paleobiology and Geology of Cnidaria.  Palaeontographica Amer. 54.


829  BEAUVAIS, L. and P. BERNIER.  1981.  Nouvelles especes de Madreporaires dans le Kimmeridgian superieur du Jura (France).  Geobios 14:173-189.


830  GEYER, O.F.  1955.  Korallen-faunen aus dem oberen Juras von Portugal.  Senckenbvergiana lethaea 35:317-356.


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834  STANLEY, G.D., JR.  1986.  Late Triassic coelenterate faunas of western Idaho and northeastern Oregon: implications for biostratigraphy and paleogeography.  United States Geological Survey Paper 1425.


835  TURNSEK, D. and A. RAMOVA.  1987.  Upper Triassic (Norian-Rhaetian) reef buildups in the northern Julian Alps (NU Yugoslavia).  Razprave, Dissertationes 28/2.  Slovenska Akad.  Znanosti in Umetnosti Academia scientiarum et artium Solvenica.


836  DENG ZHAN-QUI and KONG LEI.  1984.  Middle Triassic corals and sponges from southern Guizhou and eastern Yunnan.  Acta Palaeont. Sinica 23:489-504.


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838  BARTHEL, K.W., V.  JANICKE and G. SCHAIRER.  1971.  Untersuchungen am Korallen-Riffkomplex von Laisacker bei Neuburg a.  D. (unteres Untertithon, Bayern).  N. Jb. Geol. Pala"ont.  Mh.  1971:4-23.


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845  LOMMERZHEIM, A.  1976.  Zur Palaeontologie, Fazies, Palaeogeographie und Stratigraphie der turonen Grunsande (Oberkreide) im Paum Mulheim/Broich/Speldorf (Westfalen) mit einer Beschreibung der Cephalopodenfauna.  Decheniana (Bonn) 129:197-244.


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850  PFISTER, T.E.  1980.  Systematische und palaookologische Untersuchungen an oligozanen Korallen der Umgebung von San Luca (Provinz Vicenza, Norditalien).  Schweiz.  Palaont. Abh.  103.  121 pp.


851  BEAUVAIS, L. and K. MORI.  1988.  Amphimeandra, a new genus in the family Amphiastraeidae (Mesozoic Scleractinia).  Geobios 21:103-108.


852  MacNEIL, F.S. and D.T. DOCKERY III.  1984.  Lower Oligocene Gastropoda, Scaphopoda, and Cephalopoda of the Vicksburg Group in Mississippi.  Mississippi Bureau of Geology Bulletin 124.  415 pp.


853  HAZEL, J.E.  1983.  Age and correlation of the Yorktown (Pliocene) and Croatan (Pliocene and Pleistocene) Formations at the Lee Creek Mine.  Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology 53:81-200.


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856  STEVENS, C.H. and B. RYCERSKI.  1989.  Early Permian colonial rugose corals from the Stikine River area, British Columbia.  J. Paleontology 63:158-181.


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858  CHEN JUN-YUAN, HOU XIAN-GUANG and LU HAO-ZHI.  1989.  Lower Cambrian leptomitids (Demospongea), Chengjiang, Yunnan.  Acta.  Palaeont. Sinica 28:17-30.


859  HOU XIAN-GUANG, CHEN JUN-YUAN and LU HAO-ZHI.  1989.  Early Cambrian new arthropods from Chengjiang, Yunnan.  Acta Palaeont. Sinica 28:42-57.


860  NING ZHANG.  1989.  Wenlockian (Silurian) brachiopods of the Cape Phillips Formation, Baille Hamilton Island, Arctic Canada: Parts I, II and III.  Palaeontographica 206:49-135, 207:1-48.


861  BIERNAT, G. and S.S. LAZAREV.  1988.  Genus Poloniproductus nov.  (Brachiopoda, Devonian).  Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 33: 59-71.


862  TRIPP, R.P., Z. ZHOU and Z. PAN.  1989.  Trilobites from the Upper Ordovician Tangtou Formation, Jiangsu Province, China.  Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh: Earth Sci. 80:25-68.


863  SMITH, A.B. and C. PATTERSON.  1989.  The influence of taxonomic method on the perception of patterns of evolution.  Evolutionary Biology 23:127-216.


864  JABLONSKI, D. and D.J. BOTTJER.  1989.  Onshore-offshore trends in marine invertebrate evolution.  In: R.M. Ross and W.D. Allmon, eds.  Biotic and Abiotic Factors in Evolution: A Paleontologic Perspective.  University of Chicago Press, Chicago. 


865  SMITH, A.B. and C.W. WRIGHT.  1988.  British Cretaceous echinoids.  Part 1, General introduction and Cidaroida.  Monograph of the Palaeontographical Society, London: 1-101  (Publ. No. 578, part of Vol.  141  for 1987).


866  MALINKY, J.M.  1989.  New early Paleonzoic Hyolithida and Orthothecida (Hyolitha) from North America.  J. Paleontology 63:302-319.


867  SWEET, W.C.  1988.  The Conodonta.  Morphology, Taxonomy, Paleoecology, and Evolutionary History of a Long-Extinct Animal Phylum.  Oxford Monogr.  Geol. Geophys.  10.  Clarendon Press, New York.  212 pp.


868  MALINOWSKA, L., ed.  1988.  Geology of Poland.  Vol.  III.  Atlas of Guide and Characteristic Fossils.  Part 2b.  Mesozoic, Jurassic.  Publishing House Wydawnictwa Geologiczne, Warsaw.  476 pp.


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873  RIGBY, J.K., FAN JIASONG and ZHANG WEI.  1989.  Sphinctozoan sponges from the Permian reefs of South China.  J. Paleontology 63:404-439.


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886  RIGBY, J.K., FAN JIASONG, and ZHANG WEI.  1989.  Inozoan calcareous Porifera from the Permian reefs in South China.  J. Paleontology 63:778-800.


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891  COOPER, M.R.  1989.  The Gondwanic bivalve Pisotrigonia (family Trigoniidae) with description of a new species.  Palaont. Z. 63:241-250.


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894  GOLDMAN, D. and C.E. MITCHELL.  1990.  Morphology, sys‑tematics, and evolution of Middle Devonian Ambocoeliidae (Brachiopoda), western New York.  J. Paleontology 64:79-99.


895  ENGEL, B.A. and L.N. MORRIS.  1989.  Early Carboniferous trilobites (Weaniinae) of eastern Australia.  Alcheringa 13:305-346.


896  YOO, E.K.  1988.  Early Carboniferous Mollusca from Gundy, Upper Hunter, New South Wales.  Rec.  Australian Mus.  40:233-264.


897  GRUNT, T.A.  1989.  Otrid Atyridida.  Trudy Paleontologicheskogo Instituta.  "Nauka", Moscow.  139 pp.


898  LONG, J.A.  1990.  Late Devonian chondrichthyans and other microvertebrate remains from northern Thailand.  Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 10:59-71.


899  BEU, A.G. and P.A. MAXWELL.  1990.  Cenozoic Mollusca of New Zealand.  N.Z.  Geol. Surv.  Paleont.  Bull. 58.  518 pp.


900  TAYLOR, P.D.  1990.  Bioimmured ctenostomes from the Jurassic and the origin of the cheilostome Bryozoa.  Palaeontology 33:19-34.


901  KENNEDY, W.J. and W.A. COBBAN.  1990.  Cenomanian ammonite faunas from the Woodbine Formation and lower part of the Eagle Ford Group, Texas.  Palaeontology 33:75-154.


902  WENNDORF, K.-W.  1990.  Homalonotinae (Trilobita) aus dem Rheinischen unter-Devon.  Palaeontographica 211:1-184.


903  NESTOR, H.  1990.  Biogeography of Silurian stromatoporoids.  Pp. 215-222.  In: W.S. McKerrow and C.R. Scotese, eds.  Palaeozoic Palaeogeography and Biogeography.  Geol. Soc. London Mem. No. 12.


904  WATERS, J.A.  1990.  The palaeobiogeography of the Blastoidea (Echinodermata).  Pp. 339-352.  In: W.S. McKerrow and C.R. Scotese, eds.  Palaeozoic Palaeogeography and Biogeography.  Geol. Soc. London Mem. No. 12.


905  ROSS, J.P.R. and C.A. ROSS.  1990.  Late Palaeozoic bryozoan biogeography.  Pp. 353-362.  In: W.S. McKerrow and C.R. Scotese, eds.  Palaeozoic Palaeogeography and Biogeography.  Geol. Soc. London Mem. No. 12.


906  LANE, N.G. and G.D. SEVASTOPULO.  1990.  Biogeography of Lower Carboniferous crinoids.  Pp. 333-336.  In: W.S. McKerrow and C.R. Scotese, eds.  Palaeozoic Palaeogeography and Biogeography.  Geol. Soc. London Mem. No. 12.


907  LAZAREV, S.S.  1989.  Systematics of the Devonian brachiopod suborder Strophalosiidina.  Paleont. Jour. 23(2):25-36.


908  PITT, L.J. and P.D. TAYLOR.  1990.  Cretaceous Bryozoa from the Faringdon Sponge Gravel (Aptian) of Oxfordshire.  Bull. Br. Mus. Nat. Hist. (Geol.) 46:61-152.


909  SIGNOR, P.W. (1990) Unpublished compilation of Gastropoda


910  HOLMER, L.E.  1989.  Middle Ordovician inarticulate brachiopods from Vastergotland and Dalarna, Sweden.  Fossils and Strata, no. 26.  172 pp.


911  BLAKE, D.B.  1990.  Hettangian Asteriidae (Echinodermata: Asteroidea) from southern Germany: taxonomy, phylogeny and life habits.  Palaont. Z. 64:103-123.


912  POTTER, A.W.  1990.  Middle and Late Ordovician brachiopods from the eastern Klamath Mountains, northern California, Part 1.  Palaeontographica 212:31-158.


913  HALL, J. and J.M. CLARKE.  1898.  A memoir on the Palaeozoic reticulate sponges constituting the family Dictyo‑spongidae.  Pt.  I.  Fifteenth Annual Report of the State Geologist, New York, v. II, pp.  743-984.


914  NEVESSKAYA, L.A. and A.N. SOLOVYOV, eds.  1981.  Development and change of molluscs at the Mesozoic-Cenozoic Boundary.  "Nauka", Moscow.  (trans.  1987, I.  Beu and A. Beu, New Zealand Geological Survey Report PAL117)


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917  GROSS-UFFENORDE, H. and E. SCHINDLER.  1990.  The effect of global events on entomozoacean Ostracoda.  Pp. 101-112.  In: R. Whatley and C. Maybury, eds.  Ostracoda and Global Events.  Chapman & Hall, London.


918  SPRINKLE, J. and R.C. GUTSCHICK.  1990.  Early Mississippian blastoids from western Montana.  Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 152(3):89-166.


919  RONIEWICZ, E., and E. MORYCOWA.  1989.  Triassic Scleractinia and the Triassic/Liassic Boundary.  Association of Australasian Palaeontologists Memoir 8:347-354.


920  TURNSEK, D.  1989.  Diversification of corals and coral reef associations in Mesozoic palaeogeographic units of northwestern Yugoslavia.  Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 8:283-289.


921  BIERNAT, G. and W. BEDNARCZYK.  1990.  Evolutionary crisis within the Ordovician acrotretid inarticulate brachiopods of Poland.  Pp. 105-114.  In: E.G. Kauffman and O.H. Walliser, eds.  Extinction Events in Earth History.  Springer-Verlag, Berlin.


922  FELDMAN, R.M. and P.A. MAXWELL.  1990.  Late Eocene decapod Crustacea from North Westland, South Island, New Zealand.  J. Paleontology 64:779-797.


923  BENGTSON, S., S. CONWAY MORRIS, B.J. COOPER, P.A. JELL and B.N. RUNNEGAR.  1990.  Early Cambrian fossils from South Australia.  Association of Australasian Palaeontologists.  Memoir 9.  364 pp.


924  KOZUR, H. and W. SADEDDIN.  1990.  Holothurian sclerites from the Middle Jurassic of Wadi Huni, northwest Jordan.  Micropaleontology 36:353-366.


925  WALOSSEK, D. and K.J. MULLER.  1990.  Upper Cambrian stem-lineage crustaceans and their bearing upon the monophyletic origin of Crustacea and the position of Agnostus.  Lethaia 23:409-427.


926  ALLMON, W.D.  1990.  Review of the Bullia Group (Gastropoda: Nassariidae) with comments on its evolution, biogeography, and phylogeny.  Bulletin of American Paleontology 99:1-179.


927  PENG SHANCHI.  1990.  Tremadoc stratigraphy and trilobite faunas of northwestern Hunan.  2.  Trilobites from the Panjiazui Formation and the Madaoyu Formation in Jiangnan Slope Belt.  Beringeria 2:55-171.


928  GEYER, G.  1990.  Die marokkanischen Ellipsocephalidae (Trilobita: Redlichiiden).  Beringeria 3:3-363.


929  COLES, G., M.  AYRESS and R. WHATLEY.  1990.  A comparison of North Atlantic and Pacific Cainozoic deep-sea Ostracoda.  Pp. 287-305.  In: R. Whatley and C. Maybury, eds.  Ostracoda and Global Events.  Chapman & Hall, London.


930  HARPER, D.A.T.  1989.  Brachiopods from the upper Ardmillan Succession (Ordovician) of the Girvan District, Scotland, Pt.  2.  Monograph of the Palaeontographical Society, London 142:79-128.


931  RICKARDS, R.B., P.W. BAILLIE and J.B. JAGO.  1990.  An Upper Cambrian (Idamean) dendroid assemblage from near Smithton, northern Tasmania.  Alcheringa 14:207-232.


932  ROBERTS, J. and P.A. JELL.  1990.  Early Middle Cambrian (Ordian) brachiopods of the Coonigan Formation, western New South Wales.  Alcheringa 14:257-309.


933  LUTKE, F.  1990.  Contributions to a phylogenetical classification of the subfamily Proetinae Salter, 1864  (Trilobita).  Senckenbergiana lethaea 71:1-83.


934  JABLONSKI, D. and D.J. BOTTJER.  1990.  The origin and diversification of major groups: environmental patterns and macroevolutionary lags.  Pp. 17-57.  In: P.D. Taylor and G.P.  Larwood, eds.  Major Evolutionary Radiations.  Clarendon Press, Oxford.


935  SCHRAM, F.R.  1990.  On Mazon Creek Thylacocephala.  Proceedings San Diego Society Natural History, No. 3.  Pp. 1-16.


936  FLUGEL, E. and J. REINHARDT.  1990.  Uppermost Permian reefs in Skyros (Greece) and Sichuan (China): implications for the Late Permian extinction event.  Palaios 4:502-518.


937  PARSLEY, R.L.  1991.  Review of selected North American mitrate stylophorans (Homolozoa: Echinodermata).  Bulletin of American Paleontology 100(336):1-57.


938  YEH, K.-Y.  1990.  Taxonomic studies of Triassic Radiolaria from Busuanga Island, Philippines.  Bull. Natl.  Mus.  Nat.  Sci., Taiwan, No. 2, pp.  1-64.


939  BOERSMA, A. and I.  PREMOLI SILVA.  1991.  Distribution of Paleogene planktonic foraminifera--analogies with the Recentí Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 83:29-48.


940  PINNA, G.  1990.  Notes on stratigraphy and geographical distribution of placodonts.  Atti Soc. It.  Sc.  Nat.  Museo Milano 131:145-156.


941  SENOWBARI-DARYAN, B.  1990.  Die systematische Stellung der thalamiden Schwamme und ihre Bedeutung in der Erdgeschichte.  Munchner Geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen: Reihe A, Geologie und Palaontologie 21.  326 pp.


942  SOLOVEV, A.N.  1980.  Razvitie i Smena Bespozvonoihnykh na Rubezhe Mezozoia i Kainozoia.  Mshanki Chlenistonogie, Iglokozhie.  "Nauka", Moscow.  176 pp.


943  MARCINOWSKI, R. and J. WIEDMANN.  1990.  The Albian ammonites of Poland.  Palaeontologia Polonica, No. 50, 94 pp.


944  NARBONNE, G.M., P. MYROW, E. LANDING and M.M. ANDERSON.  1991.  A chondrophorine (medusoid hydrozoan) from the basal Cambrian (Placentian) of Newfoundland.  J. Paleontology 65:186-191.


945  BERGMAN, C.F.  1989.  Silurian paulinitid Polychaeta from Gotland.  Fossils and Strata, No. 25.  128 pp.


946  WILLIAMS, S.H. and R.K. STEVENS.  1991.  Late Tremadocian graptolites from western Newfoundland.  Palaeontology 34:1-47.


947  SMITH, A.B. and J. GALLEMI.  1991.  Middle Triassic holothurians from northern Spain.  Palaeontology 34:49-76.


948  BABIN, C. and J.-C.  GUTIERREZ-MARCO.  1991.  Middle Ordovician bivalves from Spain and their phyletic and palaeogeographic significance.  Palaeontology 34:109-147.


949  SCRUTTON, C.T. and E.N.K. CLARKSON.  1991.  A new scleractinian-like coral from the Ordovician of the Southern Uplands, Scotland.  Palaeontology 34:179-194.


950  HOLMER, L.E.  1991.  The taxonomy and shell characteristics of a new elkaniid brachiopod from the Ashgill of Sweden.  Palaeontology 34:195-204.


951  QIAN YI and S. BENGSTON.  1989.  Palaeontology and biostratigraphy of the Early Cambrian Meishucunian Stage in Yunnan Province, South China.  Fossils and Strata No. 24.  156 pp.


952  RIGBY, J.K.  1991.  The new Devonian (Givetian) heteractinid sponge Gonedekia from Ontario, Canada, and evolution of the astraeospongiids and eiffeliids.  J. Paleontology 65:38-44.


953  FAN J., J.K. RIGBY and ZHANG W.  1991.  "Hydrozoa" from Middle and Upper Permian reefs of South China.  J. Paleontology 65:45-68.


954  RILEY, N.J.  1991.  A global review of mid-Dinantian ammonoid biostratigraphy.  Courier Forsch.-Inst. Senckenberg 130:133-143.


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956  KIER, P.M. and M.H. LAWSON.  1978.  Index of living and fossil echinoids 1924-1970.  Smiths. Contr. Paleobiology 34.  182 pp.


957  WEBB, G.E.  1990.  Lower Carboniferous coral fauna of the Rockhampton Group, east-central Queensland.  Association of Australasian Paleontologists Memoir 10:1-68.


958  WARD, D.J. and R.L. WIEST, JR.  1990.  A checklist of Paleocene and Eocene sharks and rays (Chondrichthyes) from the Pamunkey Group, Maryland and Virginia, USA.  Tertiary Research 12:81-88.


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960  DEFLANDRE-RIGAUD, M.  1962.  Contribution a la connaissance des sclerites d'Holothurides fossiles.  Memoires du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, ser, c, 11:1-124.


961  BISHOP, G.A.  1986.  Occurrence, preservation, and biogeography of the Cretaceous crabs of North America.  Pp. 111-142.  In: R.H. Gore and K.L. Heck, eds.  Crustacean Biogeography.  A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam.


962  CONWAY MORRIS, S. and CHEN MENGE.  1991.  Cambroclaves and paracarinachitids, early skeletal problematica from the Lower Cambrian of South China.  Palaeontology 34:357-397.


963  LAZAREV, S.S.  1990.  Evolution and System of Productids [in Russian].  "Nauka", Moscow.  173 pp.


964  EMERSON, M.J. and F.R. SCHRAM.  1991.  Remipedia.  Part 2.  Paleontology.  Proc. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., no. 7.  52 pp.


965  SHEEHAN, P.M. and P.J. CORROUGH.  (1991).  Supplementary information for: "Brachiopod zoogeography across the Ordovician-Silurian extinction event." Unpublished (deposited with the British Library at Boston Spa, W. Yorkshire, U.K. Suppl. Publ. SUP18059).


966  MORRIS, S.F. and J.S.H. COLLINS.  1991.  Neogene crabs from Brunei, Sabah and Sarawak.  Bull. Br. Mus. Nat. Hist. (Geol.) 47:1-35.


967  MORRIS, N.J., J.M. DICKENS and K. ASTAFIEVA-URBAITIS.  1991.  Upper Palaeozoic Anomalodesmatan Bivalvia.  Bull. Br. Mus. Nat. Hist. (Geol.) 47:51-100.


968  PHILIP, J.M. and C. AIRAUD-CRUMIERE.  1991.  The demise of the rudist-bearing carbonate platforms at the Cenomanian/Turonian Boundary: a global control.  Coral Reefs 10:115-125.


969  STEARN, C.W.  1990.  Stromatoporoids from the allochthonous reef facies of the Stuart Bay Formation (Lower Devonian), Bathurst Island, Arctic Canada.  J. Paleontology 64:493-510.


970  STEARN, C.W.  1991.  A revision of Anostylostroma, Atelodictyon, and related genera (Paleozoic Stromatoporoidea).  J. Paleontology 65:611-622.


971  WARD, P.D.  1990.  A review of Maastrichtian ammonite ranges.  Geological Society of America Special Paper 247:519-529.


972  KAUFFMAN, E.G., C.C. JOHNSON and N.F. SOHL.  (1989).  Biostratigraphy of rudistid Bivalvia, Caribbean Province.  Unpubl. chart.


973  LYSSENKO, N.I. and G.A. ALIEV.  1991.  The systematics of phaneroptyxids (Gastropoda).  Paleontological Journal 24: 102-106.


974  SNYDER, E.M.  1991.  Revised taxonomic procedures and paleoecological applications for some North American Mississippian Fenestellidae and Polyporidae (Bryozoa).  Palaeontographica Americana 57.  275 pp.


975  HOOVER, P.R.  1991.  Late Triassic cyrtinoid spiriferinacean brachiopods from western North America and their biostratigraphic and biogeographic implications.  Bulletins of American Paleontology 100:63-109.


976  BANDEL, K.  1991.  Uber triassische >>Loxonematoidea<< und ihre Beziehungen zu reszenten und palaozoischen Schnecken.  Palaont. Z. 65:239-268.


977  POJETA, J., JR.  1988.  The origin and Paleozoic diversification of solemyoid pelecypods.  New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Memoir 44:201-271.


978  RIEDEL, P. and B. SENOWBARI-DARYAN.  1991.  Pharetronids in Triassic reefs.  Pp. 465-476.  In: J. Reitner and H.  Keupp, eds.  Fossil and Recent Sponges.  Springer-Verlag, Berlin.


979  MAREK, L. and P.E. ISAACSON.  1992.  Devonian hyoliths from Bolivia.  J. Paleontology 66:24-28.


980  SIMMS, M.J.  1990.  Crinoid diversity and the Triassic-Jurassic Boundary.  Cahiers Univ. Catho. Lyon, ser. Sci., no. 3, pp.  67-77.


981  CHEN XU and RONG JIA-YU.  1991.  Concepts and analysis of mass extinction with the Late Ordovician event as an example.  Historical Biology 5:107-121.


982  GILLILAND, P.M.  1992.  Holothurian faunal changes at the Triassic-Jurassic Boundary.  Lethaia 25:69-84.


983  MORZADU, P.  1992.  Evolution des Asteropyginnae (Trilobita) et variations eustatiques au Devonien.  Lehtaia 25:85-96.


984  SMITH, A.B. and P. BENGTSON.  1991.  Cretaceous echinoids from north-eastern Brazil.  Fossils and Strata 31.  88 pp.


985  WARD, L.W.  1991.  Molluscan Biostratigraphy of the Miocene, Middle Atlantic Coastal Plain of North America.  Virginia Museum of Natural History Memoir 2.  159 pp.


986  LANE, N.G. and G.D. SEVASTOPULO.  1987.  Stratigraphic distribution of Mississippian camerate crinoid genera from North America and western Europe.  Cour.  Forsch.-Inst. Senckenberg 98:199-206.


987  SULLIVAN, R.M.  1987.  A reassessment of reptilian diversity across the Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary.  Los Angeles County Natural History Museum Contributions to Science No. 381.  26 pp.


988  GILLILAND, P.M.  1992.  Holothurians in the Blue Lias of southern Britain.  Paleontology 35:159-210.


989  LATZ, S.  1992.  Unterdevonische Brachiopoden aus dem Hellen Crinoidenschutt-und Riffkalk der Seawarte (zentrale Karnische Alpen/Karnten/Osterreich).  Palaeontographica Abt.  A 220:161-201.


990  PILLOLA, G.L.  1991.  Trilobites du Cambrien inferieur du SU de la Sardigne, Italie.  Palaeontographia Italica 78:1-174.


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1001 BARANOV, V.V.  1991.  New Devonian rhynchonellid taxa from northeastern USSR.  Paleontological Journal 25:32-41.


1002 KAASA, M.E., JR.  1992.  Late Pennsylvanian and Permian Turrilepadida (Machaerida) from the western and south-central United States.  P. 154.  In: S. Lidgard and P.R. Crane, eds.  Fifth North American Paleontological Convention Abstracts and Program.  The Paleontological Society Spec. Publ. 6.


1003 TAYLOR, P.D. and J.A. TODD.  1992.  Bioimmuration: exceptional fossil preservation made routine.  P. 287.  In: S. Lidgard and P.R. Crane, eds.  Fifth North American Paleontological Convention Abstracts and Program.  The Paleontological Society Spec. Publ. 6.


1004 BLODGETT, R.B. and G. JOHNSON.  1992.  Early Middle Devonian (Eifelian) gastropods of central Nevada.  Palaeontographic Abt.  A 222:85-139.


1005 FARRELL, J.R.  1992.  The Garra Formation (Early Devonian: late Lochkovian) between Cumnock and Larras Lee, New South Wales, Australia: straigraphic and structural setting, faunas and community sequence.  Palaeontographica Abt.  A 222:1-41.


1006 BENGTSON, S.  1992.  Proterozoic and earliest Cambrian skeletal metazoans.  Pp. 1017-1033.  In: J.W. Schopf and C. Klein, eds.  The Proterozoic Biosphere.  A Multidisciplinary Study.  Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.


1007 BLOME, C.D. and K.M. REED.  1992.  Permian and Early (?) Triassic radiolarian faunas from the Grindstone terrane, central Oregon.  J. Paleontology 66:351-383.


1008 SOHL, N.D.  1992.  Upper Cretaceous gastropods (Fissurellidae, Haliotidae, Scissurellidae) from Puerto Rico and Jamaica.  J. Paleontology 66:414-434.


1009 GINGERICH, P.D.  1992.  Marine mammals (Cetacea and Sirenia) from the Eocene of Gebel Mokattam and Fayum Egypt: stratigraphy, age, and paleoenvironments.  Papers on Paleontology No. 30.  Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan.  84 pp.


1010 SZCZECHURA, J.  1991.  Bicorniferidae: cheilostomous Bryozoa with articulated colony branches.  Acta Palaeontological Polonica 36:399-411.


1011 HODGKINSON, K.A., C.L. GARVIE and A.W.H. BE.  1992.  Eocene euthecosomatous Pteropoda (Gastropoda) of the Gulf and Eastern Coasts of North America.  Bulletins of American Paleontology 103(341).  62 pp.


1012 NOLF, D. and G.L. STRINGER.  1992.  Neogene paleontology in the northern Dominican Republic.  14.  Otoliths of teleostean fishes.  Bulletins of American Paleontology 102(340).  81 pp.


1013 RADULOVIC, V.  1991.  Middle Jurassic brachiopods of Laz (Yugoslav part of the Carpatho-Balkan arch.  Palaeontologia Jugoslavica 40:1-365.


1014 BOARDMAN, R.S., F.K. McKINNEY, and P.D. TAYLOR.  1992.  Morphology, anatomy, and systematics of the Cinctiporidae, new family (Bryozoa: Stenolaemata).  Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology 70.  81 pp.


1015 STRUVE, W.  1992.  Neues zur Stratigraphie und Fauna des rhenotypen Mittel-Devon.  Senckenbergiana lethaea 71:503-624.


1016 VAN ITEN, H.  1992.  Morphology and phylogenetic significance of the corners and midlines of the conulariid test.  Palaeontology 35:335-358.


1017 PRATT, B.R.  1992.  Trilobites of the Marjumian and Steptoean stages (Upper Cambrian), Rabbitkettle Formation, southern Mackenzie Mountains, northwest Canada.  Palaeontographica Canadiana, no. 9.  179 pp.


1018 STEIGER, T.  1992.  Sistematik, Stratigraphie und Palokologie der Radiolarien des Oberjura-Unterkreide--Grenzbereiches in Osterhorn--Tirolikum (Nordliche Kalkalpen, Salzburg unter Bayern).  Zitteliana 79:3-188.


1019 SIMONETTA, A.M.S. and S. CONWAY MORRIS, eds.  1991.  The Early Evolution of Metazoa and the Significance of Problematic Taxa.  Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.  296 pp.


1020 WEBERS, G.F., C. CRADDOCK, and J.F. SPLETTSTOESSER, eds.  1992.  Geology and Paleontology of the Ellsworth Mountains, West Antarctica.  Geological Society of America Memoir 170.  459 pp.


1021 SCHRAMMEN, A.  1924.  Die Kieselspontgien der oberen Kreide von Nordwestdeutschland.  III.  und letzter Teil.  Monographien zur Geologie und Palaeontologie, Ser.  1, Heft 2.  Verlag von Gebruder Borntraeger, Berlin.  159 pp.


1022 FORDYCE, R.E.  1992.  Crustacean evolution and Eocene/Oligocene environments.  Pp. 368-381.  In: D.R. Prothero and W.A. Berggren, eds.  Eocene-Oligocene Climatic and Biotic Evolution.  Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ.


1023 DEBRENNE, F. and A. ZHURAVLEV.  1992.  Irregular Archaeocyaths.  Morphology, Ontogeny, Systematics, Biostratigraphy, Palaeoecology.  Cahiers de Paleontologie.  CNRS Editions, Paris.  212 pp.


1024 HERRMANN-DEGAN, W.  1980.  Eine Hexactinelliden-Faunula aus dem "Chalk" (Maastricht?, Palaozan) Sudwest-Agyptens.  Berliner Geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen Reihe A/Band 24.  38 pp.


1025 CASHMAN, P.B.  1992.  Melanosclerites: first North American report of these problematic microfossils and discussion of their affinity.  J. Paleontology 66:563-569.


1026 LAFUSTE, J., F. DEBRENNE, A. GANDIN, and D. GRAVESTOCK.  1991.  The oldest tabulate coral and the associated Archaeocyatha, Lower Cambrian, Flinders Ranges, South Australia.  Geobios 6:697-718.


1027 SHI X.  1992.  Jurassic rhynchonellids from north Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China: a study on internal structures.  Palaeontographica Abt.  A 225:79-166.


1028 MULLER, K.J. and I.  HINZ.  1992.  Cambrogeorginidae fam.  nov., soft-integumented Problematica from the Middle Cambrian of Australia.  Alcheringa 16:333-353.


1029 VAN BELLE, R.A.  1981.  Catalogue of Fossil Chitons (Mollusca: Polyplacophora).  W. Backhuys, Rotterdam.


1030 KHOMENTOVSKY, V.V. and G.A. KARLOVA.  1993.  Biostratigraphy of the Vendian-Cambrian beds and the lower Cambrian boundary in Siberia.  Geological Magazine 130:29-45.


1031 HESSELBO, S.P.  1992.  Aglaspidida (Arthropoda) from the Upper Cambrian of Wisconsin.  J. Paleontology 66: 885-923.


1032 WIEDER, R.W. and R.M. FELDMAN.  1992.  Mesozoic and Cenozoic fossil isopods from North America.  J. Paleontology 66:958-972.


1033 CLARK, F.E. and R.T. PATTERSON.  1993.  An illustrated key to the identification of unilocular genera of calcareous foraminifera.  J. Paleontology 67:20-28.


1034 HOROWITZ, A.L. and J.F. PACHUT.  1993.  Specific, generic, and familial diversity in Devonian bryozoans.  J. Paleontology 67:42-52.


1035 BLAKE, D.B. and T.E. GUENSBURG.  1993.  New Lower and Middle Ordovician stelleroids (Echinodermata) and their bearing on the origins and early history of the stelleroid echinoderms.  J. Paleontology 67:103-113.


1036 ZULLO, V.A.  1992.  Revision of the balanid barnacle genus Concavus Newman, 1982, with the description of a new subfamily, two new genera, and eight new species.  J. Paleontology 66, Memoir 27.  46 pp.


1037 FELDMAN, R.M., D.M. TSHUDY and M.R.A. THOMSON.  1993.  Late Cretaceous and Paleocene decapod crustaceans from James Ross Basin, Antartic Peninsula.  J. Paleontology 67, Memoir 28.  41 pp.


1038 BURGIN, T.  1992.  Basal ray-finned fishes (Osteichthyes, Actinopterygii) from the Middle Triassic of Monte San Giorgio (Canton Tessin, Switzerland).  Schweizerische Palaontologische Abhandlungen 114:1-164.


1039 PETUCH, E.J.  1993.  Patterns of diversity and extinction in Transmarian muriacacean, buccinacean, and conacean gastropods.  The Nautilus 106:155-173.


1040 ASTAFIEVA, M.M.  1991.  The bipolar distribution of Inoceramus-like bivalved mollusks in the Permian.  Paleont. Jour. 25:33-39.


10441 BRIGGS, D.E.G. and A.J. KEAR.  1993.  Decay and preservation of polychaetes: taphonomic thresholds in soft-bodied organisms.  Paleobiology 19:107-135.


1042 BECKER, R.T.  1993.  Anoxia, eustatic changes, and Upper Devonian to lowermost Carboniferous global ammonoid diversity.  Pp. 115-163.  In: M.R. House, ed.  The Ammonoidea: Environment, Ecology, and Evolutionary Change.  Clarendon Press, Oxford.


1043 NERAUDEAU, D. and P. MOREAU.  1989.  Paleoecologie et paleo-biogeographie des faunes d'echinides du Cenomanien Nord-Aquitain (Charente-Maritime, France).  Geobios 22:293-324.


1044 STORRS, G.W.  1993.  Function and phylogeny in sauropterygian (Diapsida) evolution.  American Journal of Science 293-A:63-90.


1045 HAHN, G., R. HAHN and C. BRAUCKMANN.  1992.  Zur Phylogenie der Cystispininae (Trilobita, Karbon).  Senckenbergiana lethaea 72:91-120.


1046 BABIN, C.  1993.  Role des plates-formes gondwaniennes dans les diversifications des mollusques bivalves durant l'Ordovicien.  Bull. Soc. geol.  France 164:141-153.


1047 HANSCH, W.  1993.  The distribution of ostracodes in the Pridoli, upper Silurian, of the Prague Basin, Czechoslovakia.  Neues Jahrbuch Geol. Palaont. Abh.  187:183-198.


1048 WALTER, B.  1993.  Les bryozoaires de <<l'Urgonien inferior>> Vaulion (Jura Vaudois, Suisse)--un primier pas vers les faunes Barremo-Aptiennes.  Palaeontographica 226:55-75.


1049 MOORE, E.J.  1992.  Tertiary marine pelecypods of California and Baja California: Erycinidae through Carditidae.  United States Geological Survey Professional Paper 1228-E. 37 pp.


1050 POPOV, L. Ye.  1992.  The Cambrian radation of Brachiopods.  Pp. 399-424.  In: J.H. Lipps and P.W. Signor, eds.  Origin and Early Evolution of the Metazoa.  Plenum, New Yrok.


1051 HEMLEBEN, C., M.A. KAMINSKI, W. KUHNT and D.B. SCOTT, eds.  1990.  Paleoecology, Biostratigraphy, Paleoceanography and Taxonomy of Agglutinated Foraminifera.  Kluwer, Dordrecht.  1017 pp.


1052 JAGER, M.  1993.  Danian Serpulidae and Spirorbidae from NE Belgium and SE Netherlands: K/T boundary extinction, survival, and origination patterns.  Contributions to Tertiary and Quaternary Geology 29:73-137.


1053 JAANUSSON, V. and M.G. BASSETT.  1993.  Orthambonites and related Ordovician brachiopod genera.  Palaeontology 36:21-63.


1054 LOCH, J.D., J.H. STITT and J.R. DERBY.  1993.  Cambrian-Ordovician boundary interval extinctions: implications of revised trilobite and brachiopod data from Mount Wilson, Alberta, Canada.  J. Paleontology 67:497-517.


1055 EDGECOMBE, G.D.  1993.  Silurian acastacean trilobites of the Americas.  J. Paleontology 67:535-548.


1056 KAMMER, T.W. and W.I. AUSICH.  1993.  Advanced cladid crinoids from the middle Mississippian of the east-central United States: intermediate-grade calyces.  J. Paleontology 67:614-639.


1057 BROOK, G.A. and B.J. COOPER.  1993.  Shelly fossils from the Early Cambrian (Tojonian) Wirrealpa, Aroona Creek, and Ramsay Limestones of South Australia.  J. Paleontology 67:758-787.


1058 ZHANG R. and YAN D.  1993.  Stratigraphic and paleobiogeographic summary of Carboniferous marine bivalves.  J. Paleontology 67:850-855.


1059 DURMAN, P.N. and N.V. SENNIKOV.  1993.  A new rhabdopleurid hemichordate from the Middle Cambrian of Siberia.  Palaeontology 36:283-296.


1060 GRANT, R.E.  1993.  Permian brachiopods from Khios Island, Greece.  Paleontological Society Memoir 33.  J. Paleontology 67(suppl. to No. 4), 21 pp.


1061 MARINCOVICH, L., JR.  1993.  Danian mollusks from the Prince Creek Formation, northern Alaska, and implications for Arctic Ocean paleogeography.  Paleontological Society Memoir 35.  J. Paleontology 67(suppl. to No. 5), 35 pp.


1062 HINZ-SCHALLREUTER, I.  1993.  Ostracodes from the Middle Cambrian of Australia.  Neues Jahrbuch Geol. Palant.  Abh.  188:305-326.


1063 HEDGPETH, J.W.  1978.  A reappraisal of the Palaeopantopoda with description of a species from the Jurassic.  Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 63:23-34.


1064 BIERNAT, G. and C.C. EMIG.  1993.  Anatomical distinctions of the malingulie brachiopods.  Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 38:1-20.


1065 GLUCHOWSKI, E.  1993.  Crinoid assemblages in the Polish Givetian and Frasnian.  Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 38:35-92.


1066 BENTON, M.J., ed.  1993.  The Fossil Record 2.  Chapman & Hall, London.  845 pp.


1067 SAUL, L.R.  1993.  Pacific Slope Cretaceous bivalves: eight venerid species.  J. Paleontology 67:965-979.


1068 MacFARLAN, D.A.B.  1992.  Triassic and Jurassic Rhynchonellacea (Brachiopoda) from New Zealand & New Caledonia.  Royal Society of New Zealand Bulletin 31.  310 pp.


1069 RUSSELL, D.A.  1988.  A check list of North American marine Cretaceous vertebrates including freshwater fishes.  Torrell Museum of Palaeontology Occassional Paper #4.  58 pp.


1070 WINCHESTER-SEETO, T. and K.N. BELL.  1994.  Microforaminiferal linings from the Early Devonian of eastern Australia, and their generic placement.  J. Paleontology 68:200-207.


1071 SPRINKLE, J. and G.P.  WAHLMAN.  1994.  New echinoderms from the Early Ordovician of West Texas.  J. Paleontology 68:324-338.


1072 SMIRNOVA, T.N.  1992.  Late Mesozoic brachiopods of the Caspian Depression and the Russian Platform.  Paleont. Jour. 26:25-35.


1073 ANDREU-BOUSSUT, B.  1991.  Les Ostracodes du Cretace moyen (Barremien a Turonien), le long d'une Transversale Agadir-Nador (Maroc).  Strata, Aces du Laboratoire de Geologie Sedimentaire et Paleontologie de l'Universite Paul-Sabatier, Toulouse 14:1-765.


1074 ROY, K.  1994.  Temporal patterns of taxonomic, morphologic and biogeographic change in stromboidean gastropods and their macroevolutionary implications.  Unpubl. Ph.D., dissertation, University of Chicago, Chicago.  236 pp.


1075 HAVLICEK and VAREK.  1966.


1076 STORCH and MERGL.  1989.


1077 CARTER.  1971.


1078 WILCO˜ and LOCKLEY.  1981.  Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.


1079 FORTEY and OWEN.  1987.  (= 726)


1080 HARPER et al.  1988.  Geological Journal 23:292-310.


1081 HAVLICEK and VAREK.  1990.


1082 PRICE.  1981.


1083 BROOD.  1981.


1084 ROHR, D.M.  1994.  Ordovician (Whiterockian) gastropoda of Nevada: Bellerophontoidea, Macluritoidea, and Euomphaloidea.  J. Paleontology 68:473-486.


1085 FUSICH, F.T., T.J. PALMER and K.L. GOODYEAR.  1994.  Growth and disintegration of bivalve-dominated patch reefs in the Upper Jurassic of southern England.  Palaeontology 37:131-171.


1086 EZAKI, Y.  1994.  Patterns and paleoenvironmental implications of end-Permian extinction of Rugosa in South China.  Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 107:165-177.


1087 NAKREM, H.A.  1994.  Middle Carboniferous to Early Permian bryozoans from Spitsbergen.  Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 39:45-116.


1088 EDGECOMBE, G.D.  1994.  New Lower Silurian (Llandovery) Encrinurine trilobites from the Mackenzie Mountains, Canada.  J. Paleontology 68:824-837.


1089 SUNDBERG, F.A.  1994.  Corynexochida and Ptychopariida (Trilobita, Arthropoda) of the Ehmaniella Biozone (Middle Cambrian), Utah and Nevada.  Natural History Museum of Los Angles County Contributions in Science, no. 446, 137 pp.


1089 SHI and GRANT.  1993.


1091 SULSER.  1993.


1092 AGER and SUN.  1989.


1093 ELMI et al.  1982.


1094 SANDY.  1990.


1095 WALTER and ALMERAS.  1980.


1096 MICHALIK.  1992.


1097 MIDDLEMISS.  1979.


1098 MANCENIDO and DAGYS.  1992.


1099 CULVER, S.J.  1994.  Early Cambrian foraminfera from the southwestern Taoudeni Basin, West Africa.  Journal of Foraminiferal Research 24:191-202.


1100 ADRIAN, J.M. and M.V.H. WILSON.  1994.  Early Devonian cephalaspids (Vertebrata: Osteostraci: Cornuata) from the southern MacKenzie Mountains, N.W.T., Canada.  Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 14:301-319.


1101 WALOSSEK, D. and K.J. MULLER.  1994.  Pentastomid parasites from the lower Palaeozoic of Sweden.  Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Earth Sciences 85:1-37.


1102 BUDD, A.F., T.A. STEMANN and K.G. JOHNSON.  1994.  Stratigraphic distributions of genera and species of Neogene and Recent Caribbean reef corals.  J. Paleontology 68:951-977.


1103 YATSKOV, S.V.  1994.  Devonian ammonoid zonation on Novaya Zemlya.  Newsletters in Stratigraphy 30:167-182.


1104 IRIZUKI, T.  1994.  Late Miocene ostracods from the Fujikotogawa Formation, northern Japan--with reference to cold water species involved with trans-Arctic interchange.  Journal of Micropaleontology 13:3-15.


1105 HOU X. and J. BERGSTROM.  1994.  Palaeoscolecid worms may be nematomorphs rather than annelids.  Lethaia 27:11-17.


1106 CHLUPAC, I.  1994.  Devonian trilobites--evolution and events.  Geobios 27:487-505.


1107 COOPER, M.R.  1994.  Towards a phylogentic classification of the Cretaceous ammonites.  III.  Scaphitaceae.  Neues Jahrbuch Geol. Palaont. Abh.  193:165-193.


1108 SMIRNOV, T.N.  1994.  Early Cretaceous brachiopods of northwestern Kamchatka.  Paleont. Jour. 28:34-50.


1109 GORYUNOVA, R.V.  1994.  The taxonomic rank and phylogeny of the timanodictyoid bryozoans.  Paleont. Jour. 28:51-70.


1110 EDINGER, E.N. and M.J. RISK.  1994.  Oligocene-Miocene extinction and geographic restriction of Caribbean corals: roles of turbidity, temperature, and nutrients.  Palaios 9:576-598.


1112 OLIVERO, E.B. and M.B. AGUIRRE-URRETA.  1994.  A new tube-builder hydractinian, symbiotic with hermit crabs, from the Cretaceous of Antartica.  J. Paleontology 68:1169-1182.


1112 JABLONSKI, D.  1995.  Personal communication (January).


1113 VACHARD, D., R. MARTINI, R. RETTORI and L. ZANINETTI.  1994.  Nouvelle classification des Foraminiferes Endothyroides du Trias.  Geobios 27:543-558.


1114 STINCHCOMB, B.L. and G. DARROUGH.  1995.  Some molluscan problematica from the Upper Cambrian-Lower Ordovician of the Ozark Uplift.  J. Paleontology 69:52-65.


1115 KELLY, S.R.A.  1995.  New trigonioid bivalves from the Early Jurassic and earliest Cretaceous of the Antarctic Peninsula region: systematics and Austral paleobiogeography.  J. Paleontology 69:66-84.


1116 DZIK, J., E. OLEMPSKA and A. PISERA.  1994.  Ordovician carbonates platform ecosystem of the Holy Cross Mountains.  Palaeontologia Polonica No. 53.


1117 LILJEDAHL, L.  1994.  Silurian nuculoid and modiomorphid bivalves from Sweden.  Fossils and Strata No. 33.  89 pp.


1118 REITNER, J.  1992.  "Coralline Spongien." Berlinear geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen (E) 1:1-352.


1119 CADEE, M.C. and A.W. JANSSEN.  1994.  A taxonomic revision of NU European Oligocene and Miocene Fasciolariidae traditionally included in the genus Streptochetus (Mollusca, Gastropoda).  Contributions to Tertiary and Quaternary Geology 31:31-107.


1120 STANLEY, G.D., ed.  1994.  Paleontology and stratigraphy of Triassic to Jurassic rocks in the Peruvian Andes.  Palaeontographica Abt.  A 233:1-208.


1121 GUENSBURG, T.E. and J. SPRINKLE.  1994.  Revised phylogeny and functional interpretation of the Edrioasteroidea based on new taxa from the Early and Middle Ordovician of western Utah.  Field Museum of Natural History Fieldiana Geology Publ. 1463.  43 pp.


1122 RONY J.-Y., D.L. STRUSZ, A.J. BOUCOT, FU L.-P., T.L. MODZA‑LEVSKAYA and SU Y.-Z.  1994.  The Retziellidae (Silurian ribbed impunctate athyrididine brachiopods).  Acta Palaeontological Sinica 33:546-574.


1123 RIGBY, J.K. and C.R. CLEMENT.  1995.  Demosponges and hexactinellid sponges from the Lower Devonian Ross Formation of west-central Tennessee.  J. Paleontology 69:211-232.


1124 KELLY, J.R.A.  1995.  New trigonioid bivalves from the Albian (Early Cretaceous) of Alexander Island, Antartic Peninsula: systematics, paleoecology, and austral Creta‑ceous paleobiogeography.  J. Paleontology 69:264-279.


1125 FILKORN, H.F.  1994.  Fossil scleractinian corals from James Ross Basin, Antarctica.  Antartic Research Series 65.  96 pp.


1126 HOU X.-G. and J. BERGSTROM.  1995.  Cambrian lobopodians--ancestors of extant onychophoransí Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 114:3-19.


1127 LANDING, E.  1995.  Upper Placentian-Branchian Series on mainland Nova Scotia (Middle-upper Lower Cambrian) faunas, paleoenvironments, and stratigraphic revision.  J. Paleontology 69:475-495.


1128 XU and GRANT.  1994.


1129 ADRAIN, J.M., B.D.E. CHATTERTON and R.B. BLODGETT.  1995.  Silurian trilobites from southwestern Alaska.  J. Paleontology 69:723-736.


1200 POLETAEV, V.I. and S.S. LAZAREV.  1994.  General stratigraphic scale and brachiopod evolution in the Late Devonian and Carboniferous subequatorial belt.  Bulletin de la Societe belge de Geologie 103:99-107.


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